Sunday, January 18, 2015

Community Service Initiative

Got some free time while waiting for my teammates to get their part done.

Too many things to do lately and forgot to update my e-portfolio frequently and I'll just update the important ones accordingly.

Firstly, many thanks to Mr. Stephen , the CSR project coordinator for taylor's education group for the write-up for me. The link can be found >>>  writeup.

(PS: I don't know where he got my picture, the initial photo given by me was not this picture, this was my Facebook profile picture! STALKER!)

It was an unforgettable moment for us to help the kampung people in Kampung Temasik, Johor and nevertheless one of the best CSR I have been gone through so far. (more to come!)

Things I've learnt from the trip:

  1. Be thankful for what we have. Kids over there do not own an iPad nor smartphone, but they lived happily for what they have.
  2. Appreciate one another, we will not know when or where things will end eventually. (nothing lasts forever, right?)
  3. Money does not buy happiness. Things we have gone through, our experiences, forms / creates what or how we are now. 
Picture of me and Aishah!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Accoutning: Reflective Journal 2

Question: “With the Final exams fast approaching in three weeks’ time, what are your study plans in preparation for the Final? With your plans in place, how confident are you to achieve a satisfactory results in your Final?”

With the final exams fast approaching in three weeks' time, in order to achieve a decent and good results for semester 1, I've prepared a study plan and I will study according to my study plan. I've planned to study with some of my tutorial mates as I think group study is very helpful. We are able to guide one another on things they don't understand or have questions in them, and they might be able to provide support on those which I have doubts or queries in them. 

Furthermore, a timetable on what subjects I should start on the revision has been created for myself relatively to the modules/subject which will be tested. For example , Accounting final exam will be held on the 13th December and I have 4 other examinations before the 13th. Thus, I will study the subjects which will be examined earlier first, only then, accounting.

With my plans in place, I'm confident that I will achieve a satisfactory results in the coming semester 1 final examination. Also, with my constant work and the concentration and attendant in lectures and tutorial classes, I think it will also boost my confident as well as my performance in the final examination as I believe that hard work will eventually pay off, in this case, in the final examination.

All the best to everyone and I hope that I will score with flying colours in the coming final exam!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Reflective Journal - Accounting

“How does the “Fresh Mart Project” help you in your understanding of the application of the Accounting rules and theories that you learnt in Introduction to Accounting in a real business environment and in completing your group assignment?” 

It was a fresh start for me and lucky to be a tutorial leader and to guide my tutorial group in distributing jobs and selecting stall managers for both fruits and vegetables by the democratic way - voting. Communicating was the main part for this project. For a leader, I have to plan everything from distributing works, deciding what how how much amount to buy to the pricing and managing of stall. Although there were problems on the day of the "Fresh Mart", the delay of goods delivery, but teamwork was the key part which we did manage successfully to make the whole thing perfect.

The Fresh Mart Project has helped me in understand the application of Accounting rules and theories by allowing us to have a real life experience in pricing, selling as well as recording transactions. Besides I've understand that the importance of recording each transactions accurately and precisely as at the end of the day, that's our only records left for the business and we have to do the income statement and the balance sheet. Net profit (loss) , total asset (liabilities) are the main objective for the business, allowing the owner(s) to know whether they should continue their businesses or not.

Recording entries plays a very important part to keep track on our 'business' and to make sure that we record the correct amount of goods sold relatively to the money which we have received. The mobile team has done a great job on this as we managed to keep track on ALL of the records and was at par with the money we received at the end.

Last but not least, I appreciate for the help and support given by Mr Albert and Dr Ken for all the hard work in helping as well as supporting all the groups, (Tutorial 1-12) in all the fresh mart project. Really learnt a lot from it and I'm grateful for being the first semester students whom experienced and overcome this project together as a team.

Picture taken - TBS Intro to Accounting (Tutorial 5)
October 7, 2013

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Business Communication - Reflective Journal

When I first heard of the topic of the assignment given by the Taylor's University, "Business Report"

I first thought it will be hard for me as I does not have any experience in writing a report. Surprisingly, it ended up to be a fun, joyful and informative experience.

The process of my team and I doing this report were pretty hard as we don't know each other and it was quite hard to communicate at the start of the assignment. Then, we slowly got to know each other and communication and trust comes together later. Throughout the whole business report assignment, I realized teamwork plays a major role in making a project or a plan to be successful. I volunteered to be the group leader as I think I am capable of leading and guiding my members to a "bright" path, and things really went according to my plan!

I must say I'm lucky to have a group of active and enthusiastic members whom are willing to cooperate with me and does things nonchalantly, especially when it comes to the deadline of the assignment. Before choosing any firm for the business report, one of my members suggest that we can interview an owner of a Chinese-Muslim restaurant which he often goes to, which I personally think it will be very interesting because we could hardly find restaurants like that in Malaysia. However, after few days of discussion among us, we decided to switch to a Malaysian based sportswear company, Kraftfit which mainly sells compression wear which is more unique as there are only two Malaysian-based compression wear manufacturers and Kraftfit is one of them.

Planning and work distribution is a major obstacle I have to overcome as we have few different assignment deadlines for other modules to hand in in the same week. Furthermore, when it comes to work distribution I have to consider for one of our members, he requested for easier tasks as he admitted that his English language is weak and perhaps needed more time to do his part of report. Taking everything into consideration, my team and I agreed on everything, from the interview until the writing of the report and we conducted an interview with the owners of Kraftfit. Everything went perfectly fine since then.

This was the first group assignment I have had in my life and I finally understand the quote:
"Coming together is a beginning.

Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success." - Henry Ford

This will be one of the most unforgettable experiences I have gained in my life.I think I've learnt a lot from this group assignments, in different aspects from planning, decisions making till leadership. These are the soft skills which I couldn't obtain from the theory or books which we have learnt academically which from my point of view, more important than the hard skills which are obtainable from reading and theories.