Friday, November 29, 2013

Accoutning: Reflective Journal 2

Question: “With the Final exams fast approaching in three weeks’ time, what are your study plans in preparation for the Final? With your plans in place, how confident are you to achieve a satisfactory results in your Final?”

With the final exams fast approaching in three weeks' time, in order to achieve a decent and good results for semester 1, I've prepared a study plan and I will study according to my study plan. I've planned to study with some of my tutorial mates as I think group study is very helpful. We are able to guide one another on things they don't understand or have questions in them, and they might be able to provide support on those which I have doubts or queries in them. 

Furthermore, a timetable on what subjects I should start on the revision has been created for myself relatively to the modules/subject which will be tested. For example , Accounting final exam will be held on the 13th December and I have 4 other examinations before the 13th. Thus, I will study the subjects which will be examined earlier first, only then, accounting.

With my plans in place, I'm confident that I will achieve a satisfactory results in the coming semester 1 final examination. Also, with my constant work and the concentration and attendant in lectures and tutorial classes, I think it will also boost my confident as well as my performance in the final examination as I believe that hard work will eventually pay off, in this case, in the final examination.

All the best to everyone and I hope that I will score with flying colours in the coming final exam!

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